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Veteran Suicide Crisis: Serving Those Who Served Our Country

June, 24, 2022 / by Victor Staff posted in community outreach, family services


Reports show that veterans are twice as likely to die by suicide as civilians according to the Department of Veterans Affairs. This alarming statistic sadly translates to about 18 veterans dying by suicide every single day. Victor Community Support Services ...
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Resiliency and Recovery: Friends and Family

June, 16, 2022 / by Victor Staff posted in family services, Therapeutic Behavior Services


10 Ways to Support a Loved One in Recovery When it comes to helping our loved ones through mental illness or addiction recovery, we always want to help. Knowing the best way to help, however, can be unclear. Even the best intentions can lead to ...
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Cameron's Wraparound Success Story

October, 06, 2021 / by Victor Staff posted in family services


Victor wraparound services is an intensive, holistic method of engaging with individuals with complex needs so that they can live in their homes and communities and realize their hopes and dreams. When we hear a success story of someone who has made huge ...
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Building Relationships and Bridging the Gap to Mental Health

May, 21, 2021 / by Victor Staff posted in community outreach, family services, Transitional Age Youth Services (TAY), Therapeutic Behavior Services, Staff Stories


Mental Health America’s theme for National Mental Health Month is Tools 2 Thrive which places an emphasis on providing practical tools so anyone can improve their mental health no matter their situation. Though there has been great work in past years to ...
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Pen Pals in 2020

September, 23, 2020 / by Victor Staff posted in family services, Evidence Based Programming, Therapeutic Behavior Services, Staff Stories, foster care


Socially Distanced You’ve probably experienced a level of disconnection this year due to social distancing, mask wearing, and the challenges of living in quarantine. For most adults, this is a situation we can manage and cope with thanks to having the benefit ...
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A Graduation Success Story at Victor

September, 09, 2020 / by Victor Staff posted in family services, Therapeutic Behavior Services, Residential and School Programs, Staff Stories, foster care


The work we do at Victor changes lives. We understand many businesses or organizations can say the same, but we actually see the proof in our client's success stories. For one of our Wraparound Program Clients at VTC Pomona, the last two years made the ...
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Supporting Your Teen's Mental Health This Summer

June, 01, 2020 / by Victor Staff posted in family services, Transitional Age Youth Services (TAY), foster care


California's official stay at home order went into effect in March, almost three months ago. Only recently have parts of the state begun opening up for more regular day-to-day activity, which means social distancing measures will still continue for most of ...
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We Have Our Adoption License!

February, 26, 2020 / by Victor Staff posted in family services, News, foster care, adoption


We are excited to announce that we have received our Adoption License! Adoption Services will be added to our already existing programs of Foster Care, Relative Home Assessment, and Mental Health Services. We can certify and service homes within 50 miles of ...
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Celebrating Another Client Win! - A Victor Stockton Success Story

February, 15, 2019 / by Victor Staff posted in family services, Residential and School Programs, Staff Stories


Our most recent client success story comes from Christina Thrower, M.A. one of our School Based Facilitators at Victor Stockton. We believe in celebrating the success of both our staff and clients, so if you have a good story please share it with us! You can ...
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It Takes a Village

December, 21, 2018 / by Victor Staff posted in family services, Staff Stories


The old saying "It takes a village to raise a child" continues again and again to prove itself true. A child needs a community to help become fully developed mentally, emotionally and socially. So how does this affect our approach to treatment? In a word, ...
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