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Victor Intern Helps Young Client Find Her Voice

February, 01, 2023 / by Victor Staff posted in Therapeutic Behavior Services, Staff Stories


Teresa (not her real name) came to Victor Community Support Services in Lake Elsinore as an intern working toward her Masters in Social Work (MSW). For her very first client, she was introduced to a four-year-old girl who refused to speak to anyone who wasn’t ...
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The Power of Gratitude Practices

November, 23, 2022 / by Victor Staff posted in Therapeutic Behavior Services, blog promotion


This is the time of year we are all reminded to be thankful for what we have. We have the holidays full of friends, family and good food. We have opportunities to be charitable to others less fortunate than us, which in turn helps us be more grateful for what ...
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How to Get Connected to Mental and Behavioral Health Services

October, 04, 2022 / by Victor Staff posted in family services, Therapeutic Behavior Services


With mental health concerns on the rise, people need access to services. Today we have more avenues available than ever before to you find the help you’re seeking. They are available through apps on your phone, appointments can be done via video conferencing, ...
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How Do I Know If I Have Seasonal Depression?

September, 30, 2022 / by Victor Staff posted in Therapeutic Behavior Services


Seasonal depression is estimated to affect 10 million Americans and women are 4 times more likely to experience it than men. As we head into the fall and winter months, we thought it would be helpful to shed some light on seasonal depression disorders. On the ...
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Wraparound Services in Mental and Behavioral Health

September, 07, 2022 / by Victor Staff posted in family services, Therapeutic Behavior Services


We believe holistic health services are the most effective way to treat and provide long term solutions for mental and behavioral issues. Which is why we incorporate community and connection into treatment. Wraparound Services are a prime example of these ...
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Resiliency and Recovery: Friends and Family

June, 16, 2022 / by Victor Staff posted in family services, Therapeutic Behavior Services


10 Ways to Support a Loved One in Recovery When it comes to helping our loved ones through mental illness or addiction recovery, we always want to help. Knowing the best way to help, however, can be unclear. Even the best intentions can lead to ...
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Resiliency and Recovery: Patients

April, 22, 2022 / by Victor Staff posted in Evidence Based Programming, Therapeutic Behavior Services, About Victor


Mental health recovery is not only a hard to define process, and a deeply personal journey. We know people can recover and there is hope, but it takes a lot of resiliency. At Victor, we are founded on the belief that everyone deserves to soar, despite any ...
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The Importance of TEAM in Mental and Behavioral Health Treatment

April, 05, 2022 / by Victor Staff posted in Therapeutic Behavior Services, About Victor


TEAM is at the heart of our organization. We’ve put much thought into these 4 values that makeup the acronym: Teamwork, Excellence, Adaptability, and Mission Driven. TEAM represents the values we use to drive successful results, build healthy and sustainable ...
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Resiliency and Recovery: Mental Health Professionals

March, 29, 2022 / by Victor Staff posted in Therapeutic Behavior Services, About Victor


Who takes care of the people who take care of us? Our doctors also need doctors, and our therapists need their own counseling because they are human too. They have their own emotions and needs which need to be honored and addressed.
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The Importance of Social Workers in Behavioral and Mental Health

March, 11, 2022 / by Victor Staff posted in News, Therapeutic Behavior Services


Celebrating Social Worker Appreciation Month Social Work is a broad field of expertise. It includes mental health, county services, community support services, judicial and foster care systems. Often, the people who are drawn to this work want to make a ...
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