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A Path to Healing: Supporting Jason Through School-Based Wraparound Services

September, 25, 2024 / by Victor Staff

Boy doing homework

Jason, a bright and energetic 10-year-old with a natural curiosity and love for learning, faced significant challenges during the school year that deeply affected both his academic performance and emotional well-being. The loss of a close family member left him struggling to manage his grief, and it became increasingly difficult for him to focus in class or control his emotions. 

However, with the unwavering support of his family, school, and the team at Victor Community Support Services (VCSS), Jason was able to turn things around. Through VCSS’s school-based wraparound services—a program tailored to help students overcome complex barriers—Jason’s journey became one of resilience, growth, and the power of a united community working together to help a child thrive. 


The Initial Struggle: Trauma and Grief 

Jason was referred to VCSS after his teachers and school administration noticed a decline in his academic performance and emotional well-being. His mother shared that Jason had been deeply affected by the passing of his grandfather earlier in the school year. This traumatic loss triggered significant emotional stress for Jason, manifesting in a range of disruptive behaviors. His grades plummeted, he experienced frequent emotional outbursts, and he showed defiant behavior, often refusing to return to class after recess or lunch. 

Jason was referred to VCSS's wraparound services, a comprehensive program designed to provide holistic support for children and families experiencing challenges like those Jason was facing. 


Building a Team: The Wraparound Approach 

Upon entering the program, Jason, his mother, and the VCSS team—consisting of a Wraparound Facilitator and a Family Support Counselor —partnered with key figures at the school, including the Principal and Jason’s teacher, to create an individualized action plan for Jason’s success. 

This action plan was designed to address Jason’s academic challenges while also offering emotional support. What made this plan unique was its holistic approach: rather than focusing solely on Jason’s academic performance, the wraparound team sought to understand and address the root causes of his struggles—his grief and trauma—while engaging his entire support system, including his parents and school staff. 


A Family-First Approach 

Family involvement is a cornerstone of the wraparound model, and this was particularly true in Jason’s case. Although Jason’s parents were separated, the wraparound team helped them come together to support their son. Jason’s father played an active role in Jason’s progress despite not living close by. He participated in Child and Family Team Meetings, attended parent-teacher conferences, and even joined the family for outings and events. 

This collaborative approach helped Jason’s parents work together, making sure they were on the same page about how to best support their son. Jason’s mother also received guidance on how to establish a structured environment at home, including setting up a dedicated homework station and maintaining open communication with Jason’s teacher through the school’s parent portal. This newfound consistency at home helped Jason become more organized and accountable in completing his schoolwork. 


Developing Skills and Coping Mechanisms 

Throughout the wraparound process, Jason worked closely with his counselor, to build the coping skills he needed to manage his grief and stress. These sessions focused on emotional regulation, communication, and behavior management. Jason learned self-care techniques like deep breathing, taking space when overwhelmed, and engaging in calming activities such as reading, drawing, and spending time with friends.  

In addition to these coping skills, Jason was encouraged to find healthy outlets for his emotions. With the encouragement of the team, Jason’s parents purchased a skateboard for him, which became a vital tool for reducing his stress. Jason was also connected to a local soccer team, where he discovered a passion for the sport, and he eagerly signed up for the fall season. 


School-Based Support and Academic Growth 

The wraparound team worked closely with his school to help his academic success. Jason’s teacher offered her support and attended meetings with Victor and Jason’s family. This teamwork allowed Jason’s mother and teacher to develop a consistent communication strategy, ensuring that any challenges Jason faced in the classroom were promptly addressed.  

Over time, Jason’s academic performance improved significantly and with the help of an online tutor Jason began to complete his homework assignments regularly. 


Lasting Impact 

By the time Jason graduated from the wraparound program, he had made remarkable strides. He was more engaged at school, completing his assignments, and able to cope with his grandfather’s passing in a healthy way. The skills he developed through the program—both academic and emotional—equipped him with the tools he needed to succeed, even after his time with VCSS ended. 


Victor Support 

Jason’s story is a powerful reminder of the strength that comes from collaboration and the positive impact that wraparound services can have on a child’s life. With the support of his family, school, and the dedicated team at Victor Community Support Services (VCSS), Jason was able to overcome emotional and academic challenges, rediscover his confidence, and thrive in both the classroom and beyond. 

At Victor, we are committed to helping children, families, and individuals navigate their unique challenges with compassion and expertise. Our programs are tailored to meet the diverse needs of each client, offering therapeutic, educational, and community-based support. 

With locations throughout California, Victor is dedicated to meeting families where they are, providing support that helps them thrive. Whether it’s emotional, behavioral, or mental wellness, we are here to offer guidance, care, and a sense of hope for the future. 


*Names have been changed to respect the privacy of the client.   



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Victor Staff

Written by Victor Staff

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