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May is National Foster Care Month!

May 10, 2019 / by Victor Staff posted in News, foster care


The Children's Bureau, within the US Department of Health and Human Services sponsors National Foster Care Month every year. This year their theme focuses on the role of foster care as a support service to families in overcoming obstacles with the goal of reunification. When possible, successful reunification can be the best outcome for children in foster care, in terms of their long-term well-being. 

The Children's Bureau has pulled together a selection of real-life foster care success stories as well as resources and information on their National Foster Care Month web page. We encourage you to take a look and share these resources. There are ways to get involved in supporting children and youth in foster care, even if you're not ready to be a foster parent. 

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Why Foster Families Choose Victor [video]

April 17, 2019 / by Victor Staff posted in foster care


Some of our amazing Victor Resource Families recently sat down with us to talk about their experience. These foster parents share some of the joys and challenges of fostering. At Victor, we do our best to educate and prepare resource families for the fostering and adoption processes. There are a lot of great reasons to get involved with fostering, if you're interested in becoming what we call a "Resource Family" click here to find out more.

"Follow your heart, but be prepared to do the hardest thing you've ever done, but the most rewarding"

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Challenges in Foster Care for Older Youth

March 22, 2019 / by Victor Staff posted in foster care


For youth 14 and older in foster care the risks for struggling in school, entering the criminal justice system and potential homelessness later in life increase. So what are the factors in this increased risk and where are the opportunities to help older youth be successful in foster care and into adulthood?

Maine Public Radio recently hosted a panel interview where this was the subject and offered great insight into this issue. They dig into the challenges of older youth in foster care and also discuss how to improve outcomes.

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Opioid Crisis is Fueling the Growing Need for Foster Families

March 21, 2019 / by Victor Staff posted in family services


The number of children in foster care has been steadily growing for that past 5 years. In the 2 years from FY 2015 to FY 2017 there was an increase of 15,595 children. The Department of Health and Human Services won't likely have the FY 2018 numbers for some time, but if the trend continues we could have close to 450,000 children in need of foster care. This challenge coupled with the fact that the opioid epidemic continues to grow, means we need qualified and loving Resource Parents more than ever.

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Foster Families Often Become Adoptive Families

March 05, 2019 / by Victor Staff posted in foster care


Some people consider foster parents and adoptive parents to be two entirely different groups, but what we see quite often is foster parents becoming adoptive parents, whether that was the original intention or not. 

Becoming a foster parent is big decision. Opening up your home to a child in need is a great gift, but it's also a significant responsibility. You have to have the space in your home and in your heart to help care for and guide a child. Those who make the decision to become foster parents can make some of the most amazing adoptive parents when the time is right.

The Reyelts family of South Dakota was recently highlighted in an article by the Daily Republic. They exemplify the situation of foster parents that end up adopting, even though that wasn't necessarily the plan...

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Rosemary Children's Services is Now Victor Treatment Centers

November 02, 2018 / by Victor Staff posted in News





You may have heard some rumors, but we want to make it official.

Rosemary Children’s Services is Now
Victor Treatment Centers



Rosemary became affiliated with Victor in 2015 primarily because the leadership of Rosemary were seeing the priorities of state agencies changing and saw the need for additional support to be able to continue to serve children, teens and families. Victor leadership saw Rosemary as an organization with a similar heart and mission, and an incredibly rich history of service in the LA County area. Rather than simply taking over, Victor leadership was committed to honoring the legacy of Rosemary and our long-term partnership with LA County and learning what we do and how we do it in depth before finalizing the acquisition.

We have spent the last few years aligning our mission, clarifying our roles, and readying ourselves for this change. We are ready and excited, but we recognize that the Rosemary name carries 95 years of legacy, so this is not an easy shift.


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Becoming a Resource Parent

June 14, 2018 / by Victor Staff




Where you will get the basic information about foster care and know the steps and requirements needed to start the program. You will begin an application packet to complete with all necessary forms needed for completion.

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Foster Care & Adoption Program Requirements

June 14, 2018 / by Victor Staff


Required Documents & Training

  1. Application
  2. Copy of social security
  3. Copy of driver license for all adults in the home
  4. Copy of auto insurance
  5. Copy of income verification
  6. Copy of marriage/divorce certificate
  7. Copy of pet vaccinations (rabies shots)
  8. Copy of homeowners or renters insurance
    (declaration page showing liability)
  9. Landlord letter of approval (for renters only)
  10. DMV printout of driving record
  11. Vehicle inspection
  12. Physical & TB Test for all adults in the home
  13. Caretaker Plan & Regulations
  14. 20 hours of Pre-Approval training
  15. CPR/First Aid & Water Safety Certificate

Required Clearances

  1. DCFS-OHC Clearance for all adults
  2. Live Scan for all adults in the home
  3. LIS & LAARS for applicants only

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