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National Adoption Month: Small Steps Open Doors

November 23, 2022 / by Victor Staff posted in foster care, adoption


November is National Adoption Month, and this year's focus is on increasing awareness for teens in foster care and their need for permanency. We can take small steps in the right direction to create opportunities for teens to be adopted and connected to a stable support system. This increases their chances of improved overall health, well-being, and self-sufficiency.

When we engage with our foster teens, we learn more about who they are and how we can help them grow and thrive. The path to supporting them starts with trust. Building those relationships happens one conversation at a time.

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Q&A: How Much Does it Cost to Become a Foster Parent?

November 21, 2022 / by Victor Staff posted in foster care


We complete our two-part exploration into money and foster care by covering the costs of becoming and being a foster parent, also known as a resource parent. If you want to know how much money foster parents receive, be sure to check out our last blog Q&A: How Much Do Foster Parents Get Paid?

Once again, we sat down with one of our most experienced social workers and asked questions about the cost of being a foster parent.

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Q&A: How Much Do Foster Parents Get Paid?

October 11, 2022 / by Victor Staff posted in foster care, adoption


The number one online search regarding foster parenting is “How much do foster parents make?”

While we may think that should be the last priority when deciding to become a foster parent, we also understand that people have questions and want to make informed decisions about becoming a resource parent and if it will be a good fit for them. This includes considering the financial aspects.

To answer this popular question, we asked one of our most experienced social workers to break down how much foster parents make in California and the stipend rate structure.

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How to Support your Foster Child in School

August 16, 2022 / by Victor Staff posted in foster care, adoption


School has started again in California and you’re a foster parent who wants the best for your child! You’ve probably budgeted for new school supplies, got a cool lunch pail, and for your foster teens, maybe a school shopping trip for some new clothes. You’re also aware that school for your foster child may look different than their peers and want to know how you can support them.

There are a few different aspects to the educational experience for foster children. The nuances vary depending on needs in academics vs behavior and age. You should also be aware of what your rights are when it comes to decision making. There are a couple policies like IDEA and ESSA that dictate your rights and what services may be available to your foster student. If you ever have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to your social worker with at your foster agency.

What happens day to day in the classroom is also important. Certain assignments, language, and dynamics can all uniquely affect your child due to their foster status. We’ll go over all these aspects so you can have an overview of how to best support your foster child in their education!

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How Long Does It Take to Become a Foster Parent?

August 03, 2022 / by Victor Staff posted in foster care


We are so excited you’re thinking of becoming a resource parent, also known as a foster parent, for a child in need! It’s one of the most rewarding things you can do with your time, home, and love. But we also understand it’s a process to become one and you have questions about how long it takes to become a foster parent.

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Supporting our LGBTQ+ Children and Parents

June 26, 2022 / by Victor Staff posted in foster care, adoption


All sexualities and gender identities are welcome to become foster and adoptive parents at Victor FFA. Love is love and that’s what children need above all else when they find themselves in a foster care.

We believe that care is found in homes with those who sincerely want to support a child and we don’t think that is limited to certain gender identities or sexualities.

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Foster Care Awareness Month: Creating Safe and Healthy Connections in Foster Care

May 26, 2022 / by Victor Staff posted in foster care


Celebrating National Foster Care Month and Mental Health Awareness Month

Raising a family is no small feat, and even parents who love their children can find themselves in a position where they cannot adequately care for them. Through services like Foster Care and other community support programs, we can work on healing and prevention.

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Requirements to Become a Foster Parent in California

April 22, 2022 / by Victor Staff posted in foster care


Becoming a foster parent is a beautiful, personal, and serious decision. You are opening up both your home and life to a child who is experiencing a difficult time when they need a safe place to stay and people who can care for them. Because the work is with vulnerable populations of youth, there are important requirements for becoming a foster parent in California. Knowing them may help you decide if foster parenting is right for you and what your next steps are.

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Child Abuse Prevention Month

April 08, 2022 / by Victor Staff posted in family services, News, Therapeutic Behavior Services, Residential and School Programs, foster care, adoption


Child Abuse Prevention Month

When you understand that the most common type of child abuse is neglect, you can begin to understand why programs like foster care emphasize reunification, education, and prevention.  

Victor Resource Families and Adoption is committed to providing support and programs to educate, intervene, and prevent child abuse by supporting resource families, children and biological parents in hope of reunification. We also offer support to those children who may have experienced trauma because of child abuse. 

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Tips to Navigating Relationships with your Foster Child’s Biological Family

January 05, 2022 / by Victor Staff posted in foster care, adoption


One of the more nuanced parts of becoming a foster parent is developing a positive and respectful relationship with your foster child’s biological family. Though this is an area that can cause a lot of questions and uncertainty, it is very important.

Being in good relationship with your foster child’s biological family means better emotional health for everyone. Plus, it clearly places reunification as the central goal of foster care. As Victor FFA is a reunification first foster agency, we really believe in the value of these relationships.

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